Question: How do you show that direct mail is still a vital part of the marketing mix.
Answer: Marketers are only interested in digital and think mail is old-fashioned. So we shared new research showing mail and digital are complementary, executed in a contemporary infographic style. Within four weeks, the campaign had produced a 470% sales increase above the annual target. To date, Royal Mail has achieved a 329% sales increase above their target.
329% - Sales increase above target
If we wanted people to re-appraise direct mail, our communications had to look and feel different. Our idea was to use art direction to force marketers to re-appraise mail. We wanted a contemporary look and feel that would position mail as a 21st century medium, not a 19th century one.
We created a personalised direct mail and edm campaign based on a vibrant and dynamic infographic style. The mailing, which was preceded by a teaser email, consisted of a single piece which opened up into an A1 poster, showing the research findings about mail and email as two forces spinning around a single hub. The message was simple. “It’s not about mail. It’s not about email. It’s about mail and email.”
A 5.6% response rate with an average visit time of 5m 4 seconds. An email open rate of 63%. Within four weeks, the campaign had produced a 470% sales increase above the annual target. And with a pipeline of more than £3m, Royal Mail are 329% ahead of their annual sales forecast.