The Body Shop - We’ve Reinvigorated Purpose for the Original Activist Beauty Brand

With the desire to reinvigorate their brand and business, and find relevance that would connect them to their consumers, The Body Shop were looking for a partner to help reset and reimagine their purpose. This needed to stay true to their history, while also enabling them to make effective decisions to be a future fit business that had bold ambitions to become the world's most ethical and sustainable business.

The Body Shop -  We’ve Reinvigorated Purpose for the Original Activist Beauty Brand by Given Agency
By examining their opportunity through a multiple lenses we identified that restoring biodiversity was a space where they could be relevant, distinctive, credible and authentic. It could provide the guardrails for what they did and didn’t do, while also providing compelling opportunities to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust. This was embodied in the line Enrich not Exploit and brought to life through all facets of the business, from sustainability to recruitment.
The Body Shop -  We’ve Reinvigorated Purpose for the Original Activist Beauty Brand by Given Agency
Enrich not Exploit was launched to 400+ managers in the business with many saying it was the most exciting thing The Body Shop had done in years. The purpose still guides the actions that the business takes today - including the landmark Rewild the World programme which protected and restored 75 million square meters of forest across the world.


  • The Body Shop logo

    The Body Shop

    • Hair, Beauty & Cosmetics


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Making brands a force for good