Projects credited in
- The WattsFuture Insights | Storytelling | Content Creation | Production | Ideation | Casting Transformation | Innovation |Tech4Good | Profit4Good |Value Placement | Communication Design Sound Design | Relational Framing | Neuroscience | CQ™ | BoxPlay | Edutainment Find out more on: The world of work is changing, fast. Most corporations have outdated systems that are ill-equipped both to serve their workforce and to tap into the new world of human-machine collaboration. Bo
- The PledgeFuture Insights | Storytelling | Content Creation | Production | Ideation | Casting | Transformation | Innovation | Tech4Good | Profit4Good | Value Placement | Communication Design | Sound Design | Relational Framing | Neuroscience | CQ™ | BoxPlay | RedefiningLearning | ReImaginingStorytelling | Edutainment “In the industrial revolutions of the modern age, there were a handful of visionaries that carved the reality we inhabit today, speculating about future possibilities. Today, there are many
- "The Great Calculus" - Aida Calculus AppWeb Design | App Development | Animation Ideation | Illustration | Storytelling | Content Creation | Production | Ideation | Relational Framing | Neuroscience | CQ™ | Communication Design | Sound Design | Edutainment The problem: One in five students fail calculus at university level and therefore can't get into STEM careers. And/or they are in STEM careers and struggling. Pearson, in collaboration with Doberman, approached BoxMedia to help deliver the first advanced AI-driven calculus learning3