Camila Gonzatto da Silva

Camila Gonzatto da Silva

WriterBerlin, Germany
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Matt Willey
JVG Studio
Richard Keeling
Camila Gonzatto da Silva

Camila Gonzatto da Silva

WriterBerlin, Germany
About me
Camila Gonzatto is screenwriter and director of cinema and TV. She has a bachelor degree in Social Communication, a master's degree and a PhD in Creative Writing at PUCRS (Brazil). During the PhD she studied three semesters at Freie Universität Berlin. Camila also attended the advanced screenplay workshop at the International School of Cinema in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, and the Creative Writing workshop “Writing the City” at Humboldt Universität in 2013. She took part of the Script Station of Berlinale Talents in 2014.
  • Tratado de Liligrafia [Treatment of Liligraphy]
    Tratado de Liligrafia [Treatment of Liligraphy]Lili is a nine years old girl, who spends a weekend with her grandfather and the maid, because her parents traveled. Not knowing what to do with his granddaughter, who is bored and sulky, the grandfather spent the night creating a playful game, which involves poetry and tasks, inspired by the world of the poet Mario Quintana. The two begin to play, but the grandfather gets ill. Then, Lili assumes command of the game. <br><br> Festivals: 7° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis; 5° Festiva
  • A Flor e a Borboleta [The flower and the butterfly]
    A Flor e a Borboleta [The flower and the butterfly](HD, animation, 10min, 2012) Screenwriter, producer. Two little butterflies, Isabela and Arthur, meet at Parcão to play. But there is nobody in the skate rink. They try to cross the street and have an accident – Isabella looses a small part of her wing. To find a solution, they become friends of an ant and a cicada. They help them to find the Big Owl - the wise Owl of the park. Facing challenges, Isabela and Arthur finally get to the Big Owl that tells them how Isabela can fly again.
  • Encontros e dissonâncias [Encounters and Dissonances](documentary, 52min, 2012) Fredric Jameson, Edgar Morin, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Alain de Botton and Orham Pamuk talk with thinkers and artists from Porto Alegre, reflecting about identity nowadays.
  • As Aventuras do Avião Vermelho (The adventures of the red airplane]
    As Aventuras do Avião Vermelho (The adventures of the red airplane]The film tells the story of The Red Airplane and its pilot Fernandinho, an 8-year-old boy who has recently lost his mother, and therefore has become a lonely kid with no friends and with relationship problems at home and school.. <br><br> In order to get closer to his son, the father gives Fernandinho a book of his own childhood. Delighted with the story, Fernandinho decides he needs an airplane to save Captain Storm – a character of the book who is an aviator trapped in Kamchatka.<br><br> On board of the airplane with his favorite toys – Teddy Bear and Chocolate –, Fernandinho travels around the world. He ends up making friends and defeating fears in unexpected situations and places. During his journey, Fernandinho discovers the pleasure of reading, the importance of having friends and the love of his father.
  • What are you looking for? Philip Glass
    What are you looking for? Philip GlassThe steps of time. Philip Glass reflects about the origin of music and the ideas that become each piano note. <br><br> Festivals: FEMINA, Curta-SE, Fest – Festival Internacional de Cinema Jovem (Espinho, Portugal), 17 Curtas Vila do Conde (Portugal), Mostra Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo, 10º “aluCine” Toronto Latin@ Media Festival, 4º Festival do Paraná, 6º Festival de Salvador, Zinebi – Festival de curtas de Bilbao
  • Bolota & Chumbrega [Chubby and Cheesy]
    Bolota & Chumbrega [Chubby and Cheesy]On A very special umbrella, Chubbie’s owners, Ana and Daniel prepare casserole and leave Chubbie’s mouth watering as he’s not allowed to try it. In order to help his friend who is only allowed to eat dog food, the street cat Cheesy invites him and the hamster Von Von to go on an adventure: to travel to a farm to try the best carter rice. To go there, Cheesy gets in the house an umbrella that magically flies them when opened by the cat and the dog together. The three of them overfly the city until they get to their destination, where they make new friends and discover new things. <br><br> Festivals: 9° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis; Festival Audiovisual do Mercosul - FAM; Festival Locomotiva 2010; Curtamazônia – Mostra paralela; Animamundi – Mostra AnimaTV; Mostra Livre de Animação Contemporânea; Mostra CineBH; Festival Internacional de Curtas de BH; Chicago International Children’s Film Festival; 6th annual Los Angeles International Children’s Film Festival; 6to Festival de Cinema Latinoamericano e do Caribe CINEMAISSÍ/CINEMAISSITO 2010; FICI 2010 Madrid <br><br> Prize: Special prize – Children Jury (9° Mostra de Cinema Infantil de Florianópolis)
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Work history
    Freelancer Writer
    Work as freelancer. Guest writer on culture-related topics, with an emphasis on cinema, literature, visual arts, and theater. Brazilian blogger for Goethe Institute’s Berlinale Blog.
    Project Manager
    Coordination of all audiovisual projects, schedules, team, contact with clients.
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  • Film
  • TV
  • Digital Content
  • Multi-platform Content
  • Critic
  • Editing
  • Journalism
  • Blogging
  • Creative
  • Web Content
  • Short Films
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
  • Script Writing
  • Transmedia Storytelling
    PHD in Literature Creative Writing
    PhD in Literature (area: Creative Writing). Dissertation: The city-where-the-wall-has-already-fallen: a love-as-a-trail story in Porto Alegre and Berlin. Approved with distinction.
    Masters Degree in Literature Creative Writing
    Master's Degree in Literature (area: Creative Writing). Final thesis: Character and non-place: identities under construction. Approved with distinction.
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    Honour List of AICA Incentive Prize for Young Critics
    Honour List of AICA Incentive Prize for Young Critics 2012 with the text: "Reinvented territories" about the 8th Mercosul Visual Arts Biennial.