About me
I'm an artist/digital illustrator/graphic designer from the UK.
I have produced a variety from photo zines to screen prints, paintings to sculptures. My style is distinctly eclectic but wildly experimental. My medium is boundless and my creativity is endless. I find comfort in exploring the far corners of my subconscious, to conjure my more illustrative work. I find comfort in notion of play through making, as seen In my more tactile work.
- Stomach AcidThe piece takes a magnifying glass to the human body, zooming into one of the main organ system, the gut. Using heavy psychedelic colours and eclectic imaginative sctructures to conjure my take on the gut biome, or the stomach acid. There is an ancient aboriginal belief that the largest, most powerful brain is the gut, the second is the heart, and the last is the logical brain itself. Recent scientific discoveries indicate the gut, the enteric nervous system (ENS), is responsable for sending sig
- A sacred dissection of anatomyThis is my second ever exhibition piece shown in a Nottingham space, (Bonington Gallery) and my largest piece ever created, coming in around 3 metres long and 1.5 metres wide. The general idea was to push the limitations of my sketchbook work and bring my ideas into a larger psychical context. Creating at such a large scale had always been a dream for me as I feel my characters and scenes deserve to be appreciated at an empowering and overwhelming size. This project is a continuation of looking