Joe Goodall

Joe Goodall

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Matt Willey
Nicola Gastaldi
Shimmy Ahmed
Joe Goodall

Joe Goodall

CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
JoeyBe.. . a third year creative at Bucks Ad school. Although, I just got back from 6 months in Hong Kong studying advertising, online and interactive advertising, TVC production, Environmental design as well as Mandarin as a 2nd language. Along with adventuring around the different cultures in Asia. I indeed discovered new, interesting and enlightening things. Take a look at my Instagram to see the duration of this time captured. Waddling Around The World - I consider myself an Art Director, but valuable contributor to copy. I love designing things to stand out, however, coming up with the unique insight and actual idea that needs to excite is my favourite part of this whole shebang.
  • MMM3000
    MMM3000Objective: The campaign positions Fridge Raiders as the ideal snack for hungry teenagers when they return home from school. Mattessons wanted to create the MMM3000, the ultimate hands-free snacking & gaming device, to promote Mattessons Fridge Raiders, the 100% chicken breast snack. Created in partnership with The Syndicate Project (aka Tom Cassell), the UK’s number one gaming commentator. Responses: The Syndicate Projec
Projects credited in
  • Hiscox Cyber and Data Risks Insurance
    Hiscox Cyber and Data Risks InsuranceA B2B direct mail campaign which highlights the risks businesses face when it comes to their online data.
  • Experian Christmas & New Year email campaign
    Experian Christmas & New Year email campaignA suite of emails to be sent out to existing Experian customers over the Christmas and New Year period, following the creative campaign of 'Data Self.' Email 1: Merry Christmas Email 2: Year in review Email 3: Set a goal Email 4: Help to achieve that goal (content is variable depending on what goal they selected in email 3) Results: 54-65% open rates (average open rates for one of Experian's marketing emails is 21%) 7-16% click to send rate (average on marketing emails is 1.5%) 1.2% lead to s
Work history
    Creative Intern
    Creative InternSaatchi & Saatchi
    Here I worked on the Mattesons Fridgeraiders online gaming campaign for Saatchi & Saatchi. I was very privileged to get this opportunity as a first year.
  • Advertising
  • Art Direction
  • Animation
  • Design
  • Illustrator
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
  • Photography
  • Art Drawing
    I exchanged from my university in England for 6 months to study Advertising, Online and Interactive media, Environmental Design and TVC production in Hong Kong. I also studied Mandarin and gained a qualification in seeking the language. After this exchange I travelled Asia for 3 months visiting 13 countries.
    Advertising: Creative