Niall Martin

Niall Martin

Masters StudentFalmouth, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Tina Touli
Resh Sidhu
Niall Martin

Niall Martin

Masters StudentFalmouth, United Kingdom
About me
I'm 25 years old, and have just finished studying a Masters Degree in Communication Design at Falmouth University! My previous degree was in Creative Advertising, also at Falmouth, and my skills range from the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc.) to detailed copywriting and story-telling. I'm an avid learner, and I chase the experience of constantly learning more about the creative industry and what I'm capable of achieving.
  • Empty Promises - The problem with video game dating simulators
    Empty Promises - The problem with video game dating simulatorsEmpty Promises is a speculative design project that takes phrases and conversations from various dating simulator video games, such as Mystic Messenger, Hunie Pop and Dream Daddy, and packages them onto various parodies of supermarket consumables. By doing so, the project aims to portray how the empty compliments are sucked up by loyal users of the game, and in turn they have become entirely faithful to the in-game characters (and subsequently, the video game itself), and ultimately have become
  • Brand Opus: Chrysalis Awards - Brief Submission
    Brand Opus: Chrysalis Awards - Brief SubmissionBrief: Create a drinks brand that has a functional benefit beyond the primary purpose of refreshment. Solution: Muju - An energy drink, branded to help combat creative block. Creative block is a problem that everyone, not just creatives, comes across from time to time. Not only is it frustrating, there is no one-way to overcome it either. Everyone who suffers from it has their own way of dealing with it, whether it’s through eating lots of sugary foods, going for a run, or just procrastinating
  • Fantastic/Average - A book about Mediocrity
    Fantastic/Average - A book about MediocrityDuring the first term of my Masters, I was tasked with finding a way to explore my own feelings of self-doubt and worth as a creative who has yet to enter the industry. My answer was an artefact in the form of a book - Fantastic/Average. In it, I explore common household items such as toothbrushes and sponges, and talk about their worth from a different perspective. To many people, they are disposable, boring items and not of worth. But if you remove them from existence, suddenly your life becom
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Projects credited in
  • Falmouth University, MA Communication Design
    Falmouth University, MA Communication DesignThe MA Communication Design at Falmouth University is a transformative and reflective 45-week experience; which seeks to provoke the development of an individual voice and identity in the practice and business of communication design. The course is delivered in the context of a rapidly changing, complex and accelerating media world; one in continuous collision with ever-evolving political, cultural and ethical catalysts. Engagement with projects and insights from leading global ‘provocateurs’
Work history
    Falmouth, United KingdomFreelance
    During the year between my BA (Hons) Degree and Masters Degree, I attempted to Freelance small projects here and there. Although successful, work wasn't coming in fast enough, which pushed me to apply for a Masters degree.
  • Adobe Graphics
  • Abobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Graphic Design
  • Advertising Artwork
  • Copywriting
  • 3D Rendering
  • Writing
    Falmouth University logo
    Falmouth University logo
    Communication DesignFalmouth University
    Falmouth, United Kingdom
    After graduating from Creative Advertising in 2018 and taking a year break, I have been studying MA Communication Design at Falmouth and will finish in August 2020.
    Falmouth University logo
    Falmouth University logo
    Hons: Creative: AdvertisingFalmouth University
    Falmouth, United Kingdom
    I am about to enter my third and final year at Falmouth University studying Creative Advertising. During my final year, I will be required to explore advertising industries first hand through responding to active briefs and presenting them to a variety of agencies.