Hey guys! Wanted to ask whether or not the freelancing world will excel, post-COVID-19?


  • Echoing @Hana Tanimura (hey hana!) - whilst it's early days still i'm hearing a few business owners dropping their leases on their expensive london offices in favour of remote working solutions. Many have realised that quite a few functions can perform perfectly well from afar, and don't necesarily require the 9-5 in-office experience we've become used to. It's my belief that over time this will mean their workforce can evolve into one that doesn't just serve one company 'full-time', but is freelance, and for example, may be a Creative Director for one company 2 days a week, and working on their side project or being a parent the rest of the week. Ii believe this change in perception is opening up the minds of even the most traditional businesses to ways of working the cretaive and digital indystries have long since adopted.
    Good luck with the coming months - we'll come out of this stronger!
  • Hey Esther! Echoing the thoughts of a few folks below here: I sense that this new remote work reality will act as a forcing function for many more businesses to begin embracing a freelance workforce. And hopefully find better, more efficient, more empathetic ways to do so. Things are definitely tough right now for a lot of people, but it is my hope (and sincere belief!) is that our creative industries will eventually emerge more robust than ever as a result of this experience. We just need to support each other through this however we can... hang in there everyone <3
  • @Jade Tomlin yes you are right.. i agree with you
  • Yes! I think there will be a strong need for freelancers and less employees, just a small core team working with a pool of creative freelance talent.
  • I think that with people working remotely, companies now have a better understanding on how this works so I definitely see more free-lance/part-time opportunities coming up. I would then recommend to take this time to refine your skills so you can share accurately what you can bring to the project. In my experience when hiring free-lancing services, I usually need to fill a specific gap in a project and knowing what people can uniquely do really helped.
  • Hey Esther - I went freelance right around the time of the last financial crisis (2007/8).

    My experience then was actually positive - I found that many companies were bringing in freelancers to work on projects, rather than hiring full-time staff. So there were lots of opportunities - at least as a freelance writer.

    Obviously the situation is a bit different this time round, but I wouldn't be surprised if some companies follow this route again.
  • @Kemi Olaoshun I agree but I also feel like with government support, the industry will finally flourish in ways that it deserves to. I'm not too sure how this will look like though
  • I feel like no matter what happens, there will always be a need for freelancers. You just have to learn how to tailor your skills to the market, even if it means learning new ones.

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