hey! i am graduating in a month's time and am seeking advice on where to start in terms of getting started in the industry (i'm scared!)

i really have no idea what i'm doing so at this point i'm just looking for reassurance and helpful tips ! <3

hope you're all doing well !


  • A good thing to do is reach out to people/companies whose work you admire, in multiple areas – not necessarily for job opportunities, but maybe for quick conversations. Many of our industries can go multiple ways and early on is important to be exposed to all those different areas. There are also a few mentoring platforms online you could join.

    Also start knowing that is ok to fail, or join a company or job you don't necessarily like. The earlier you take those steps and risks, the earlier you'll nail what really excites you as a creative.
  • Hey Meg :) start at the beginning. Sorry if that sounds silly but really start with what you're qualified for, whether that's work experience/internships/starting your own creative ventures. It's good to know long term where you want to get you and what inspires you, and then you have to focus your attention on the immediate next step which'll take you that lil bit closer towards it, Alexandra x
  • @Katy Hillier thank you so much ! it's so difficult going to art school and seeing all of these people doing something incredible and i'm like ... what have i done? but i definitely need to remember to not compare! xx
  • Hey Mehg, I'm hoping there are some links in here that can help you:


    Best of luck and keep in touch :)
  • Hi Meg

    How’s your network? First up, I’d create a small core of people like you so that you have a support crew and you can help each other.

    Then, get out there. Have conversations. Big conversations lead to big opportunities that lead to big results. Each day think about who you could speak to, ask, nudge, learn from, read up on, get mentorship from, work with and talk with them. You’ll find so many people are generous with their time when helping graduates.

    Always remember your value - don’t do things for free. You have skills. Leverage any work you do for something in return. Cash is great but also think about space, equipment, airtime, partnerships, events etc. ALWAYS leverage your value to keep you moving forward. If it’s free then you’re the product!

    Keep learning - you’ll have some amazing sketches ahead. Incredible moments where you push yourself beyond what you thought was possible. Enjoy them. Step into them. Learn from them. Keep going even when it feels like you can’t move another foot. Keep stating your intent and watch the world align around you.

    Enjoy this incredible next stage and I wish you unbridled adventures.

    Stay Boom!

  • Congratulations Meg! Well done on graduating!

    We're trying to provide some great tips, stories, practical guides and entry-level opportunities to get started on here - https://www.creativelivesinprogress.com/

    I hope it's some help!
  • Hey Meg,

    I've been there! Graduating feels like looking into a big fog, and you can't see where you're going next.

    Some things I wish I had known:

    1. Personal and self-directed projects FTW. Have fun with them and post them on social and/or your website. Doesn't have to be 'real' projects - employers and clients want to see your skill and creativity, not who you've worked for.

    2. Have a website. It's important to prioritise this over a social feed as it's something you and only you have complete control over. If your portfolio is only on Instagram what will you do if Instagram suddenly went belly up one day? It's unlikely, but best to have somewhere reliable where clients can find you.

    3. Believe in yourself. I'm only just coming to terms with this now, eleven years after my graduation. It won't happen overnight but if you keep an open mind, be willing to learn (and admit when you're wrong), and stick to what YOU like, not giving two figs what others think, you'll get there.

    Best of luck with everything!

  • Hey Meg,

    I also agree with the comments, you need to trust yourself & believe in yourself - be your own biggest fan.

    I've just had a career switch because I realised that the degree I got was not at all what I wanted to do with my life so I've found a mentor to guide me in my next steps. You can find mentors here on The Dots, I found mine here. Sometimes it's nice having someone to pick you up when you fall!

    All the best my love,

    Yashee :)
  • Hi Meg just wanted to add it's normal to be scared. I'm still a bit scared too after many years when I have an interview so you're not alone. I totally agree with all the comments, especially the one that says trust your guts, don't compare yourself with other people and start your journey. You may change direction or fail in the process but don't worry: it's better to try and fail than not trying at all. P.S. I have no idea of what I'm doing too, sometimes :)
  • Try not to compare your journey to your peers! Everyone has different paths and obstacles along the way! x
  • @Sophy Robson thank you so much for this advice, i really appreciate it! it's so nerve wracking but i know i'll get there in the end <3

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