I am in a desperate need for inspiration and support for brain freeze.

As I a creative with 14 years of creative freelance and industry experience - I have come to a point where I just don't have the answers anymore. It feels like the fire has gone out.
I want to know if this is unique to just me and probably find a solution.


  • I think a lot of us are going through some version of this. Here we have been in total lockdown since early November.
    Usually, at this time of year, I go to a gallery opening, music gig or performance of some kind several times a week. I see actual PEOPLE, and talk to them. Online stuff is good, but not the same.
    It is hard to be creative and motivated, for me anyway, without some human input.
  • Hello Morgan,

    This is totally normal, I don't know anyone it's not happened to. One thing I would recommend is to go with the flow and take a break if you can. Sometimes its just about getting rest, disconnecting, going offline to then come back re-energised. It also really helps to chat with friends in other fields as it can bring in new inspiration and perspectives. I've also found that listening to talks or forcing myself to do something different works wonders. The mind drifts and new inspirations are born. For example I knitted at the start of this year and made a new book by hand without using the computer. I hope this helps and don't worry, I am sure your inspiration will come back when it's ready :) Our inspiration is like everything, once in a while it needs a rest.

    All my best

  • I have been reading ‘Creativity, Inc.’. A book about Pixar Animation and how they overcame the ‘unseen’ forces that stand in the way of true inspiration. Might be good to check it out.
  • @Alexandra (Lex) Hearth Hi Alexandra, thank you for your comment. I will find a copy of the books. Cheers.
  • Hi Morgan, solutions are personal but I generally find I can read my way out of any mental block. Have you read The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield, or Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic? Pretty good for creative ruts but also both enjoyable reads so would recommend. Hope that helps, Alexandra x
  • Hi Morgan,

    It definitely isn't unique to you - I think we all go through variations of this at various times. My last episode was last November but I quickly flipped my feelings around by re-engaging with things available to me like industry classes, talks and events listed on here. Most are free.

    Best wishes,

  • Hello Morgan,

    It is certainly natural to experience highs and lows of creativity.

    I have devised a few methods for myself that I’ll share with you. Hopefully you can find something in these that can aid you.

    • I create a number of inspiration folders both on my phone and machines, so if I see something that inspires me, beautiful photography, typography, art, design, etc I will make a note of who created it and research the creator and file the work away for later. Then at later periods I will go to the folders and rediscover work that inspired me in the past.

    • I also uses resources like Pinterest, Tumblr and IG to see what other creators are doing.

    • I frequently work on personal projects to improve my skills and push myself because sometimes I may be working on big client projects that are not driven by creativity.

    • Taking breaks is another good way, Leonardo da Vinci recommended regular breaks away from work so that when you come back your mind is rested.

    • Before the lockdown period I would frequently go to exhibitions at the Design Museum, Tate galleries, V&A, and so on. There is still lots to see online so that s another way to get inspired.

    Those are a few ways, I hope that helps and do not worry, it is natural as everything moves in cycles.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • You are not alone.

    Though part of your problem is hard to understand. UX I would say is tehoretical part. With 14 years of experience you should know a lot and have a lot of answers or past experience. Focus on that. In my career I have seen that general patterns are mostly the same.

    Coming to design side. Solution is easy. Do bad work*. And continue.
    Most probably you have set expectations to yourself much higher than really needed.

    *Bad work in this context = work what you are not proud. What you feel is not fire. I do believe that if you have worked 14 years you should have decent typography and colour skills. You know about alignment.

    So it is bit hard to understand what do you mean by "don't have the answers anymore". You should have otherwise I can't imagine what kind of work you have done past 14 years. Maybe you feel that your work is not inovative or hype enough. Try personal projects. Try to step outside of your comfort zone and do experiments in completely different style.

    And finally. Don't take every work personally. Design is different for everyone. Focus on getting your work accepted by clients. Bonus points and project well done is when your work brings results to yoru clients.

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