I'm looking to build a website selling platform for a new clothing brand. Any recommendations/ advice on how to- for a beginner?

Email me at tamarajdias@gmail.com


  • Hey Tamara, I think a pre-built platform is your best bet in terms of affordability and performance when starting out. Shopify and Squarespace are two of the best ones - I built my site on Squarespace https://www.meanmail.co/ the interface is really easy to use and it's also easy to customise. I've heard the same applies for Shopify.
  • Hi Tamara,

    I have worked extensively in the past with retail businesses, helping them to take their established projects to the next level. There is a lot of free advice and resources which I could give you, but it would be important to know how far along the process you are from idea ideation, to ready to launch.

    The key thing I will say is it is massively important to spend double the amount of time working on the foundation of your brand, as that will really help to build the business you want above it.

    For any aspiring entraprenuers, I would highly recommend testing your business idea against the lean canvas. Give it a google, its a lean business plan which takes 20-30 minutes to fill, and will help you to really work out and break down your ideas.

    Drop me a DM if you need any support with this.
  • I have a fully functioning Shopify website that you can buy from me and customise easily. It was a jewellery platform x
  • hey Tamara

    This is exciting stuff!! I’ve literally just been / still on that journey. I’m about to launch my e-commerce site very soon for my clothing brand so completely get the ‘what am I doing n where to start!’ feeling :)

    If you go into reddit and look up rs/streetwear startup they have loaddsss of great blogs and guides on there which I found super super useful.

    In terms of website I deliberated about the pros and cons for ages. Like are the costs worth it, what kind of businesses did I want to create, we’re there other ways that we’re cheaper. I decided to go with squarespace instead of using Instagram or app-based alternatives because I wanted a professional looking site that was actually an experience for customers. I’m also looking to write longer blogs so a website allows this too.

    Before even properly entertaining the idea of setting up my own clothing line I read tons of articles about setting up. The costs and failures from people who have been successful. People like Bobby Hundreds for example.

    Sorry this is suchhh a long message but feel free to dm me if you need more help. Massive good luck with your biz! It’s a daunting prospect starting your own biz so you definitely have to go all in! But it’s exciting. I’m still figuring it all out and at times feel like I’m fumbling around in the dark crashing into things haha. :))
  • To be very honest wiith you I would like to tell you that for your business you need a professional website designers. I'm a digital marketing manager at "TrendyPuff". We have team of website design and development experts. Our developers and designers have ability to build a eye-catchy website for brands in the fashion space. For more details you can reach us at
    Website: https://www.trendypuff.com
    Email Id: sales@trendypuff.com
    WhatsApp No.: +91 96678 55505
  • Hi Tamera.
    Congrats on taking that step! I would recommend trying website builders such as wordpress,square and winx. They have templates which are ready for use. You can customize them (youtube videos can help you out in that department). There are free options but invest a little just to give that professional look and feel.
    Hope everything pans out!
  • Completely agreed with Pete and Peter on using a templated platform that has built-in payment options - for which Wordpress.com, Spotify or Squarespace are top contenders and at similar price points. Depending on the type of clothing, Etsy could also be a good fit (as there are no upfront costs I believe, but less customisable to your brand).

    A self-hosted Wordpress with WooCommerce has more of a scale potential at a potentially lower price point, but it's a trickier implementation if you haven't done it before. Best of luck with the new venture! :)
  • Hi Tamara,

    Please feel free to reach out for a potential collaboration. I’m a web designer and developer and have built website for brands in the fashion space (https://www.khanums.co)

    My portfolio: https://koysor.me

    Feel free to shoot me any questions you may have.


  • Hi Tamara,

    If you're a beginner, much like Pete below, I'd recommend using template platforms such as Shopify, Wordpress, squarespace etc. If you are so inclined and can invest a little time learning how to customise the templates, you can create something pretty good and professional looking.

    Facebook and Instagram are also launching a new feature where you can turn your brand/business profile into a e-commerce platform, so that might be worth exploring because as far as I understand it, there's no cost attached to it (double check that though!). There's always a cost in a branded website even if it's just hosting and domain name (it wont break the bank but best to keep in mind).

    The next option is to contact someone like me to design, build and host for you, it's more bespoke, professional, but more expensive - see it as an investment.

    From what I can gather from your post though, have a look at Facebook/Instagram to start out and build a customer base and then move on to a simpler, more customisable template website or invest in a professionally built, bespoke platform for your business.

    That's the helpful stuff, here's the sales pitch...

    If you do go down the web build route, I'd love to help with any web content writing/branding you may need assistance with. Have a look at my website clockwatcherstudios.com for examples.

    I hope this helps and any advice or tips please reach out.

  • Hey Tarmara, I think if you are a beginner / don't have much website building experience, Shopify is a great place to start. Its all off the shelf and you can manage inventory, payments etc through the site.

    If you need any help or direct feel free to PM me.

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