Looking for freelance product and graphic merch designers - to work on creative projects in collaboration with music artists.

Please message or reply with a link to your design/product portfolio, CV and any additional information you would like to include. We will be in contact if we think your style will work for the projects we are currently working on at the time. This is a paid freelance opportunity.


  • Hi Joseph

    Sounds a like a fun project and right up my alley. I've worked in the entertainment sector for film, television, gaming and music for my whole career and have always loved working in tandem with music.

    Here's my folio site which mostly focuses on film, games & logo deisgn but would be happy to discuss further and share some music work.


    \\ Charles
  • I'm Anna, a freelance graphic designer based in North-West England. I'd love to discover more about your music project! I love experimenting with different creative forms and designing editorial pieces.

    Some of my works can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/studio.anca/

    Let's talk :)

    Many thanks,
  • Hey there Joseph!

    I currently work as a designer for a music merchandise company so I am very familiar with what is required here!
    You can see examples of my previous work at www.olliehayward.com but very happy to answer any further questions you may have.

  • Hey Joseph!

    It's Elisa here, I am a mutlidisciplinary creative based in London, I have been freelancing for quite some time now, and have been blessed to work a lot with musicians! I just finished a commission for a custom Twitter emoji fro Leigh-Anne Pinnock, and am currently working with Future Bubblers Academy on an album art project.

    I am very multi-skilled, name something (photography, graphic design, 3D animation and visualization) and I will most definitely be able to help you bring your vision to life.

    You can check my previous work on my website: https://elisamazzuca.com/ and if you want to know a bit more about me, here's my CV: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DRusuqRb2gDI3K72qzlOddwQ2fzJyB0V?usp=sharing

    You can get in touch anytime here on the dots, on IG (@elisamzz_) or via email: hello.elisamazzuca@gmail.com

    Speak soon :)


  • Hello Joseph

    Great to see your post,
    Please take a look at my design practice site www.graphicartsandtype.com
    and here on The Dots https://the-dots.com/pages/graphic-arts-type-459151

    Feel free to get in touch if there's a project you would like to collaborate on.
  • Hello, my portfolio is here: www.tonigiddings.com I do a lot of merch, with my visual identities and such. I am very eclectic, design and draw everything myself and have designed in many industry's from art to data . I'll send you my CV via dm.

    I love music though and think each musician or group should be their own Island with their own visual language. Good design and conceptual experience and desterity matters a lot when it can be relatively diverse.

    Here's my spotify playlist, will give you some idea of how much I love music. (825 carefully sellected songs) Through the ages, not just present day :) xxx
  • Hello! Love working with musicians and music related jobs!
    Did a lot with the local Lebanese music crowd, from cd sleeve designs to posters to merch.
    Please let me know how we can work together !
  • Hello Joseph,

    Would be happy to help. I did work on merch for musicians like Flo, Jimmy Page and London Grammar. You can see my work on


    To discuss further please get in touch on 4nn414@gmail.com
  • Hi Joseph,
    This sounds like a great opportunity and I would love to hear more about it because I love working on graphic design projects like this. I'm a brand and graphic designer and for my work, I always like to take a more minimalistic approach that still makes a strong impact.
    Please find my design portfolio here https://www.behance.net/irisvandijk2 and my illustration / art portfolio here https://www.behance.net/anduncommon
    Feel free to reach out by sending me an email at iris@andthedesign.nl or you can send me a direct message on here.
    Thank you!
    - Iris
  • Hi Joseph
    Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
    My PF site https://studio-levano.nl/work
    My email is levano.studio@gmail.com
    best, Roos
  • https://www.sofibea.com/graphic-design

    I have worked as a graphic designer for various festivals and events, including Awaken Festival and Rise Festival in Padova, where I was responsible for graphic production, management of social contents, research, analysis, and design of the annual theme and image of the festival. I designed print and digital materials, adhered to brand guidelines, retouched and manipulated images, and worked with a wide variety of media to collaborate with the team. As a freelance graphic designer at Outlandish and OKCool, I designed digital assets, provided art direction and production, and worked mainly on social media contents. I have contributed ideas and design artwork to the overall aesthetic, created posters and other content-related graphic designs, designed the layout of flyers, newsletters, and other marketing materials, and created different types of illustrations and layouts as per brand guidelines. I have also assisted with product design and sold clothing/accessory graphics.
    I have a graduate diploma in Art and Design from the Royal College of Art in London. My skills include Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro, and Cinema 4D.
    Outside of work, I am interested in art installations, music, festivals, and events.
    Please feel free to reach out at sbmalatesta@gmail.com

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