What three things keep you sane during unemployment?

Can be anything.


  • Hi Mark,

    I have a few suggestions that will hopefully help!

    1. Habits keep me sane during periods of unemployment. Reflect back at the time you were too busy to do some things, and see if you can pick them up now. Pick two. In weeks of Lockdown, I can proudly say I can finally do a proper push up! (It's taking me 6 weeks..ha!

    2. Morning rituals. Trying and attend to those habits, all before 11am.

    3. Planning. Rule of 6. Have six things you want to get done tomorrow- make three of them personal "things" and three "Career" things. Make them all different size 'things". Start with an easy something, so you get to cross that off your list, then, do the most difficult. Then, work back from there.
  • Hi Mark,
    Most of the time we perceive unemployment partly as a defeat and partly as being in the corner awaiting to be noticed (remember Baby in the corner?). Acknowledging that your creative mind is still working whilst unemployed makes a huge difference and it is key to see the opportunity of growth here.
    On a more practical level I recommend keeping up with your interests, get into a physical routine, and limit the time in front of a screen.
    Hope this helps,
  • Hi Mark.

    These 3 words are always useful, especially right now when we need to be thinking about what's in front of us and the future.

    The words are...Learn, Unlearn and Relearn.

    There are loads of things that we know - we've learned them over time - behaviours, processes, ways of being and thinking. Some of these things actually are not fit for purpose. They hold us back.

    The skill is to identify and Unlearn these things so that we make space to Relearn things that are useful for us to move forward with.

    If you are looking for a new role, think about the the job spec, the interview or indeed the kinds of places you'd like to work at through this lens. It will help you apply new thinking and maybe help you reframe some areas of development as areas of opportunity.

    Stay Boom!


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