IMPORTANT: Enrol onto the course here

Unlock the power of language for your brand. From Naming to Brand Voice, this practical course will give you the confidence and know-how to develop clear, consistent and recognisable brand language.

Ads, tweets, emails: brands now write in more places than ever before. In this five-part course, our experts will teach you how to put language at the heart of your brand. Who is this programme for?
  • Creative and design directors
  • Brand managers and strategists
  • CMOs and heads of marketing
  • Company founders and senior leaders
  • Social media specialists and content creators
  • VUI designers and copywriters

You will learn:
  • How to audit your current brand language
  • How to write a clear, compelling brand strategy
  • How to run a successful, strategic naming project
  • How to build the right voice for your brand
  • How to train your team in using your brand voice
  • How to apply your brand language to your digital experience


Attendees — 93

Building a Brand Language