 -  (BST)
31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY, UK

Organised by Protein

Everpress return to Protein Studios for their second 50/50 project... 50 limited-edition T-shirts have been designed by 50 leading artists in response to the theme of VISIBILITY including HANGER Inc., Jai Paul, BBZ, Jean Jullien, Moses Boyd, gal-dem and Vicky Grout, all to encourage discussion and raise crucial funds for Justice4Grenfell.

The T-shirts are on sale now and are available to purchase until Sunday 30th September. Come along on Thursday 26th September to a one-day exhibition and pop-up before the campaign closes online.

Open 11am - 6pm. 31 New Inn Yard, Hackney, London EC2A 3EY
This is a one-day exhibition on the 26th of September, the T-shirts are on sale now and available online until Sunday 30th September.
  • exhibition


Attendees — 33

 -  (BST)
Everpress 50/50: Justice4Grenfell31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY, UK