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Waverley House, 9 Noel St, Soho, London W1F 8GQ, UK

Organised by Escape the City

Are you ready to do something different with your career?

Connecting with like-minded people is the best way to kickstart a big, brave career change.

It could be that you're after a job in an exciting and innovative industry, you're looking to launch a freelance career, or you're not sure exactly what your next career move should be. The thing is - having an idea is one thing, but taking the next steps and operating outside of your comfort zone is a different matter. It's easy to get stuck - not knowing where to start, what you should focus on, or how to make it work financially while you figure it all out. This workshop will help you:
  • Understand common career change myths, and how to reframe & overcome them
  • Figure out how to prioritise your next actions so you can move forward
  • Meet likeminded people to support your next steps
We'll also share more information about our 12-week Career Change Accelerator that has been running for over 4 years and has helped hundreds of people make fulfilling changes in their careers, with opportunities to ask questions and meet the team.
This workshop is an opportunity to get a feel for what the Accelerator is like, and the magic that can happen when awesome, escape-minded people get together. These are intimate workshops with Escape experts and places are limited.

Who should attend

Anyone who is:
  • Thinking about escaping into more fulfilling work
  • Interested in Escape's programmes in London
  • Ready to take the exciting opportunity to make change happen into their own hands

Why would you attend?

  • To set the wheels in motion for making change happen
  • To meet an awesome likeminded community who are thinking like you
  • To find out more about Escape's programs and how they could help you build a career on your terms
We look forward to seeing you there!


Attendees — 32

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Kickstart Your Career Change: Accelerator TasterWaverley House, 9 Noel St, Soho, London W1F 8GQ, UK
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