10 Tips to Make Your Website Stand Out

  • Marie Weaver

In this Post, we are going to give you some of the best web designing tips that will make your website stand out in front of others.

10 Tips to Make Your Website Stand Out by Marie Weaver
In today’s world, it’s important to have a website. You may have started one already, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t look like the website of your dreams. The web is saturated with websites, many of which are similar to one another, so if you want your website to be successful, you’ll need to figure out how to make it as memorable as possible.

Luckily, you can do plenty of things to ensure that your site stands out; this guide will help you with everything from choosing an interesting topic to picking out compelling images and writing quality content. Read on to learn more!

1) Have a strong, clear brand message

The importance of having a strong, clear brand message should never be underestimated. Regardless of the size or shape of your company, clear identity is vital to success. Brand awareness and a keen sense of what makes your business different from the rest are essential in building a successful business and, ultimately, growing it.

Think about what you want your customers to know about you and ensure that message comes across loud and clear on your website. You may have an excellent product with high-quality materials, but if no one knows who you are and how they can purchase your products, they won't be able to enjoy them!

2) Use photographs and videos as your website background

Your website should be attractive and appropriate to your brand and target market. Photographs and videos of your products, facilities or people can help support your product claims and add that extra touch.

For example, if you're trying to sell a toy set for children under 10, you could use a photo with three kids playing with their toys as the background image on your homepage. A related video would be great too! You can put these images/videos in headers, at the bottom of every page, or anywhere else it makes sense. Just make sure they're consistent throughout your website.

3) Don’t use too many colors on your website design

A good website design uses just enough colors and effects so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Consider the kind of message your website is trying to convey and ensure it conveys that message. What is the function of your site? Some sites are designed for aesthetics, while others focus on easy accessibility. Look at other websites in your industry and try to apply what they do and what they don’t do.

What colors should I use? It depends on the goals of your site. Using too many colors can be distracting, but using too few might leave potential customers without much visual stimulation. There’s no hard and fast rule about how many colors to use on a page; it all comes down to balancing aesthetics with readability. Generally speaking, more than five different colors usually overdo it (unless you have particular reasons for doing so), but less than three might limit your content.

4) Provide a clear, concise navigation method

Provide a clear, concise navigation method for your site by linking to the most important pages, including a 'Home' page and About Us page. Offer visitors different ways to browse your site - on a PC and a mobile device.

Consider providing social media buttons or links so people can easily share content with friends via popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Consider integrating online commerce into the website so you can sell products online.

5) Use typography to convey emotion and enhance the meaning of your content

The use of typography can make your website not only appear polished but also express an emotion that your words cannot convey. Choose typefaces in which the spacing and weight work well together. For example, avoid chunky typefaces that clash with its narrow letterspacing when using a monospaced font. This will maintain the evenness of the layout. Use letter spacing (tracking) sparingly to create emphasis.

In addition, avoid making the text too dense or condensed by adding more space between lines. If you're in doubt, add more space rather than less. Remember that there is no perfect way to set type on screen; just experiment until it feels right for your content and design aesthetic.

6) Keep it consistent

Keep your site consistent. You must create a unified look across all your marketing materials to capture your customers' attention and communicate with them effectively. Use common fonts, colors, and images across all of your sites for the customer experience to be seamless. Remember that web content should be scannable as quickly as possible - you want visitors scanning through text, not just reading it.

If you're working on marketing for a new product or service, research other sites like yours and make sure you're on par with what other successful companies are doing. It's also important to use appropriate tags so that search engines can locate your website when people type certain keywords into their search bars.

7) Add short paragraphs instead of long ones

Don't just write about the benefits of your products. Your customers should know what it is you do. Keep it short and sweet, though - your website should be easy for people to read. Write with a conversational tone, but be concise and informative simultaneously.

The way you sell yourself is important because first impressions count. If your site looks sloppy or unprofessional, people will take a quick look at what you have and move on to someone else's website that looks better.

8) Create a call to action (CTA) by adding some subheadings within each paragraph

Be mindful of where to put your CTA in the middle or bottom. Add a compelling call-to-action headline, and give it a good font size. If you have an email list sign-up form, put it on the homepage to establish contact with potential new customers on your website.

Immediate header CTAs can be placed at the top of a web page before any content or when scroll-out after scrolling down through some content. These serve as navigation links for those browsing the site. These links should also always lead back to your homepage for easy navigation.

When placing a header CTA, ensure you include a button and use contrasting colors from the background, so they stand out against each other. Lastly, when working with eCommerce sites, checkout buttons should be at the bottom of each product page for easy access for customers browsing your site to make purchases.

9) Create related posts with buttons at the end of every article

Creating related posts with buttons at the end of every article is a great way to see your posts. People will spend more time on your page and might even follow you or share your site because they have been exposed to various interesting topics.

You can also use a post aggregator like Pingify, which sends out an email notification when a new blog post is posted on your site. The customer enters their email address, so people know you have updated!

10) Make your blog posts easy to share on social media by providing social media icons at the end of each blog post.

Providing social media icons at the end of each blog post will make it easy for readers to share your content with their followers. Providing multiple icons will increase the reach of your blog. You may want to consider Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn icons in addition to an email or text message icon.

Developing an appealing and memorable website is one of the best investments you can make. Many skilled designers will work with you to create a custom design that reflects your style. This should help your visitors see you in the best possible light. When it comes to website designing, be sure to hire web designers in the UK and review their portfolios.

Marie Weaver
Tech Consultant