The process of motivating a child to learn, constant psychological inclusion in his life, interests and aspirations - this is the daily work of adults, including parents. Very often the desire to learn from a teenager is low.

1. The load must correspond to the real capabilities of the child. The child is first and foremost a person, not an object to satisfy the ambitions of adults. If the child's reluctance to learn is due to high workload, it must be reduced and given the opportunity to maintain a balance between rest and study. If the load is large, then you need to help the child. There is a resource called help with essay that can help you with writing papers. The load will instantly decrease if you use this resource
Take care of the presence of the necessary trace elements in the child's body , which are associated with educational activities. One of the reasons why teenagers find it difficult to learn is iodine deficiency. Adolescents need more iodine because they have a very high rate of all metabolic processes. Important: before using iodized salt, you should consult a doctor and find out which drugs and in what dosage can meet the body's need for iodine.
3. "Attach" the interests of the child to a particular school subject. If a student is interested in computers - enroll him in computer courses, like chemistry - buy special literature and put together experiments at home, likes to experiment with clothes - give a circle of style and design and more. Encourage your child to go beyond the school curriculum and learn a little more about the subject that interests them. A computer can be very helpful in learning. If the child does not like the subject, then https://essayassistant.org/ can help to love the subject. When it comes to writing, this is a very good resource.
Help your child feel the practical benefits of learning today. The adolescent must realize the value of learning, independently, truly. Remember: the driving motivation for the learning process is interest in it, understanding why it is needed and satisfaction with intermediate results. Activities should not be limited to a circle, a book or a tutor.
5. Support all the cognitive aspirations of the child. Do not leave any question of the child unanswered and never, despite the busy schedule, do not wave away his "why". Use any source of inspiration: the environment, autobiographies of great people, the experience of friends and acquaintances who have succeeded in the direction of interest to the child.
6. Ask about the atmosphere at the school where the child is studying. Research has shown that the more comfortable the psychological climate in the classroom, the higher the performance of his students. The school psychological climate is a style of communication between children and teachers, students 'attitude to each other, teachers' satisfaction with their work and their expectations for student success.
Do not react too violently to the child's bad grades and do not compare his success with the success of brothers, sisters or classmates. Be sure to praise for good grades, and ask about bad ones, what prevented you from doing better. Need help - help, but within reason, because "help" and "do for me" - are different things. Remember: in any situation you are an ally of the child.
8. Allow the child to feel the "charm" of low-skilled work not in words but in deeds. In this case, occupational therapy often helps. For example, in the summer you can give your child the opportunity to work as a flyer distributor or courier for 8 hours a day with a standard salary. Many teenagers are motivated by this experience to get involved.
9. Be a personal example of a person who loves to learn. Adolescents look at adults, copy their behavior and appropriate values. The child should see that adults are constantly striving to gain new knowledge, expand their experience, improve their skills and improve various skills.
10. Take care of yourself and keep your inner peace. Only an internally balanced adult can be a positive example and a reliable support for his child, inspire him and make him believe in his own strength, help him live a difficult period of adolescence.

Additional resources:
9 tips for new students
8 ridiculous traditions of students from different countries
5 rules to pass exams without cheating
what you need to know about face recognition technology
why students should prefer a pen to a laptop