18-25 and from an underrepresented group? Register for our next free 10-week course!

18-25? Looking to break into the Creative, Technology or Advertising industry? Brixton Finishing School (Winner of Britain's Digital Skills and Inclusion project 2019) is looking for its next wave of talent!

We will deliver our free 10-week, premuim learning experience (with real jobs at big names up for grabs upon graduation)  July - September 2020. We are looking for those with a Stem (science, technology, engineering, maths background) and/or creative talent from underrepresented groups - low income, BME, neuro diverse, female.
Read testimonials from our 2019 graduates and register your interest at https://brixtonfinishingschool.org/ and you'll receive an invitation to our taster evening - January 16th  at Clear Channel UK offices! Food and Drink will be provided.
18-25 and from an underrepresented group? Register for our next free 10-week course! by Brixton Finishing School
18-25 and from an underrepresented group? Register for our next free 10-week course! by Brixton Finishing School
18-25 and from an underrepresented group? Register for our next free 10-week course! by Brixton Finishing School
Brixton Finishing School logo
Digital accelerator to help disadvantaged youth
George Clay
Creative Partner