Project Everyone is Richard Curtis’s plan to save the world, and it involves making every person on planet Earth aware of the Global Goals. With the help of legend Stephen Hawking we created personalised videos that targeted popular influencers to share and join the movement.
Sometimes the simplest, cheekiest ideas are the best. Like when someone asks you to create personalised video messages to hundreds of global influencers on a tiny budget, and you say “Hey… Stephen Hawking has a computer-generated voice. Why don’t we just film him against a green screen and then computer-generate hundreds of personalised messages?”
We liked it, Project Everyone liked it, Stephen Hawking even liked it, and then everybody else liked it too.The personalised messages were a hit with the public and celebrities alike. Even Simon Pegg got in on the act, thousands more followed with a generic “Dear Everyone” message on Stephen Hawking’s Facebook page.The Global Goals gospel was retweeted more than 16,000 times resulting in a potential reach of 76 million people on Twitter.