Adhiraj - interactive Museum and Store

  • Andrea Romoli

Adhirja’s “Capital City” project is one of the largest private urban developments on the Indian continent. The client tasked us with concepting and building an innovative, completely virtual real estate HQ point of sale experience as well as a series of educational installations showcasing the property’s diverse resources. Our lab oversaw and executed the end-to-end production for the full scope of the project. This included architectura, technical, and creative strategies, all animated content generation, mastering, installation, and marketing components. Every element of the experience was developed and orchestrated by our team. We worked with building contractors on-site to adapt the space to support both current and future technologies. The enormous scale of the project required us to closely collaborate with designers/architects Malik Architecture, AEDAS, SSA, Studio HBA, and WAHO landscape, as well as Adhiraj HQ, our Indian partner XDLab India, and a team of software engineers and local contractors