Big Avengers Mistake The MCU Just Explain Phase 4's

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The reveal in Ms. Marvel that Ant-Man's podcast was a major source of information to the public might explain certain inaccuracies seen in Phase 4.

The reveal in Ms. Marvel that Ant-Man's podcast was a major source of information to the public might explain certain inaccuracies seen in Phase 4. The MCU's new Ms. Marvel series may have just explained one of Phase 4's biggest (and intentional) mistakes. In Hawkeye's Broadway musical version of the Battle of New York, Scott Lang's Ant-Man was featured in the production's cast despite not being present during the 2012 battle. However, a new development involving Lang himself might explain this inaccuracy - along with a few others seen in Ms. Marvel's premiere. As seen in Ms. Marvel episode 1, Kamala Kahn reveals that a big source of public information for what happened during Avengers: Endgame's Battle for Earth comes from a podcast interview with Scott Lang titled "Big Me Little Me: A Scott Lang Interview." While hilarious, it makes sense that Ant-Man would be the Avenger who'd be the most willing and available to sit down and talk to people about what happened. However, he might not have been the most accurate source.

While Scott Lang did time-travel back to 2012's Battle of New York in Avengers: Endgame to help Captain America and Iron Man secure the Mind and Space Stones, he wasn't present during the actual event itself. However, the possibility exists that something was lost in translation, resulting in the addition of Ant-Man in Rogers: The Musical. Furthermore, Scott Lang might have been responsible for other inaccuracies, such as the incorrect names for multiple Guardians of the Galaxy (as seen at AvengerCon). Likewise, the convention's replica of Giant-Man during his encounter with the ferry in Ant-Man and the Wasp is definitely not to scale (with Scott being much larger than he really was). As such, Lang's podcast likely features some embellishments and inaccuracies when compared to what actually happened in the MCU's timeline.
The mistakes in the retelling fit quite well with Ant-Man's character while also helping to make the podcast interview feel more natural, and it's likely the same reason why Marvel Studios elected to put Ant-Man in the musical. However, it seems as though this interview is the best source of information for the public and fans like Kamala Kahn, who want to know what happened during some of the Avengers' most intense battles. While Ms. Marvel's executive producer Bisha K Ali revealed that the original plan was to reveal that drones were capturing live streams of the fight with Thanos, Marvel president Kevin Feige ultimately cut the reference to Endgame. This apparently led to Scott Lang's podcast being the solution to solve the question of how the public became aware of what happened during the Battle for Earth. That said, it's strongly being teased after this premiere episode that Scott wasn't the most reliable narrator. Ant-Man himself is likely the reason why Ant-Man was in the Broadway musical. At any rate, it will be interesting to see if there's anything else the general public has wrong about the MCU's timeline as Ms. Marvel continues.

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