Body Language of Hostile Architecture

  • Hamish Johnston

Some spaces are for us – as users of spaces, they welcome us in, they are friendly and catered for our fragile human form – others are hostile to us. Spikes stick out from the ground, ledges resist our arses, bridges hurry us across, and metal bars stop youths from skateboarding throughout cities.​ The Body Language of Hostile Architecture explores the relationship between our bodies and the architecture around the city of London. The designed artefacts aim to overcome some of the more uncomfortable elements in more playful manners, inviting human form and hostile architecture to become one.

OBJECT 1: Bus Stop Swing

Creating a more playful commute, the Bus Stop Swing allows people to have a more enjoyable experience of waiting for the bus.
OBJECT 2: Hammock Seat

Designed to be hung from suitable anchoring points, the object provides an opportunity to take a seat and watch the world go by.
OBJECT 3: Roller bag

The roller bag is designed to make uncomfortable elements of hostile architecture more comfortable; for example anti-homlessness spikes that deter homless sleepers from sheltering in certain spots around the city. The foam rollers are compact into a backpack but can be rolled out to provide comfort from the spikes.