Branding for fitness, coaching & nutritional expert

  • Martin Philpot

Informed Coaching & Nutrition is a new business set up by fitness expert Craig Hicks. I designed a gritty, accessible and dynamic brand style for this start-up business. The logo is a typographic metaphor for achieving your goals, clean, strong and confident. The logo was a graphic representation of ‘achieving your goals’ – a simple bold logotype, with strong positive accompanying imagery.

Social Media advertising

To help him get his business idea off to a flying start, I designed a simple holding page for his website and a set of social media adverts. These were designed in PowerPoint allowing him to edit his content easily and export pages to image files for use on his social media streams.

Simply eating

We also worked on a sub brand for this project, aimed at proving simple dietary advice, menu planning & nutritional information on a pay-per-subscriber platform. This project is still in the planning stages, we plan to launch formally early 2020.