Unlike any other insurance brokers

  • Martin Philpot

I have helped Macbeth, chartered insurance brokers and financial advisers, to be clearly positioned in their market in an open, simple and straightforward way and based on their personal approach of replacing risk with reassurance. Working with Paul Macbeth and his team, we reviewed competitors and recommended that we re-design all the tangible touch points on their clients’ buying journey. The brand is warm and reassuring, yet beautifully minimal and crafted with precision. The photographic style features the individuals that clients will meet. The tone of voice is professional and yet highly approachable which is very important when buying an an intangible service like insurance. Just completed work on the design for a new site end of 2019, The new design features a cleaner, more contemporary look with more focus on UI and user journeys.

Website design UI/UX
Compeleted website, built in WordPress
Beautiful print work was also created for them, with close attention to deatil on the printed aesthetics.