� Embracing the Future with a Touch of Humanity � I’m thrilled to share an illustration I recently revisited, blending the power of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, both enhanced by their in-built AI, with my own hand-drawn details. This piece depicts an older robot holding hands with a younger robot, standing together in the rain, with a city and a rising sun in the distance. To me, this image symbolizes the journey of progress and the promise of brighter days ahead. It’s a reminder that even in the face of challenges, there is always hope and a brighter future waiting just beyond the horizon. ✨ Key Takeaways: Innovation and Tradition: Combining advanced AI tools with the hand-drawn. Hope and Resilience: The robots in the rain represent perseverance, while the rising sun signifies new beginnings. Community and Connection: The bond between the older and younger robot highlights the importance of mentorship and support.