Call of the Void

  • Joanie Aoife

'Call of the Void' is a book of poetry and illustration I am currently working on. Here are a few examples of what to expect from the book.

Fright Train
I sat on the platform
At Peckham Rye
For over half an our
Many trains passed by
Many trains
That did not stop
Three freight trains
Racketed by
And with their passing
Shook my skull
Un-seen by
Public eye
Un-heard by
Public ear
Seen most by
The plains of
And those who
Lay the tracks
The city is silent
It hums with voices
And musical industry
But thunder claps louder
Over empty spaces
There is life beyond what
We see
There is noise beyond
What we hear
My there be peace in what
We will not
Falling Piano
I fall to my knees
Again and again and
Again brought
Down falling
Piano to my
Knees forced to
Smell the dirt and
Remember where I
Came from
Winter Song
You won’t come back here
When the lake is frozen over
And there are no more
Ripples to count
Instead of the minutes
The birds that sing then
Will have a different tune
A winter song
That doesn’t carry the warmth
Of July
The heat that kissed our skin
Was not close to the heat
Of your lips on mine
Of the gaze across the table
While talk tumbled by us
Untitled III
To be alone and to be
Awake beneath the big
Dark sky is daunting
And contextualising
To be alone to be
Alone to be awake and
Unafraid is too much
To ask don’t use your
Lips to speak use your
Hands and feet to
Move me and move
Me away from pain
Into a softer world
Where lips don’t
Crack and where eyes
Shine with ice that
Doesn’t make my skin
Dry and peel but
Looks into mine and
Shatters their unfocused