Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design.

  • May Davis
  • Ella Cicero

We collaborated with Channel Twelve to mould their brand around a community driven purpose; let everyone and anyone experience their creative side. Throughout the project Theartofus journeyed through a range of multimedia channels and an exploration of true individual style.

Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
We started with sketching relationships between typography and shape in 2D & 3D. Including perspective and angles to influence our ideas and discover a unique outcome.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
We developed our ideas to centre around playful character design, with expressions to suit each theme of the brand. Although fun, the idea didn't go further as it failed to properly represent the sophistication associated with Channel Twelve.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
The final logo design is malleable and flexible, much like the brand. Creativity isn't about a singular, solid outcome. The logo can be warped to fit any print or digital format, moulding itself into its own visual identity.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
When the typography was chosen, we wanted to represent the love/hate relationship between maturity and playfulness. We decided on a smooth, bold primary font like Kenyan Coffee, followed by a variety of secondary fonts, interchangeable to keep things 'variable' and fluid, so things don't become dated.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Examples of how the brand could comes across on socials, how the identity can be used with photography and how the chosen fonts can work together in harmony, creating endless quirky and eye-catching visuals, without taking away the curious essence of the brand.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
The logo has been warped multiple time to represent a window into the brand, where people can view their projects and events and also get involved.
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Channel Twelve - Brand Identity & Web Design. by Theartofus
Behind The Design
Shape plays a big part in life, from infants deciphering coloured blocks to discovering geometry in nature. It felt right to represent a curiosity and inquisitive focused brand with a flexible and unordinary shape.

Ever evolving and always asking questions
As a platform for people to get involved and watch themselves and others develop, we educated ourselves on TV culture through the ages, inspired by RGB colours, white noise and abnormal technological advances.

All in all, Channel Twelve, through design, content and unique projects, has become a very symbolic platform for collaboration and creation, attracting the attention of people across the world and we're incredibly humble to have been a part of it.

Created on Wordpress, click the link to interact with the entire site.
Theartofus logo
Creative Social Enterprise
May Davis
Theartofus Co-founder
Ella Cicero
Senior Paid Media Account Manager