Clay & Abbot Brand Update

  • Neil Sargeant
  • Peter Howard
  • Claire Mandle
  • Max Ward

An exciting update for you! We recently had the opportunity to work with our friends at Clay & Abbot to give their existing branding a modern touch. Our latest project involved not only refreshing their branding, but also creating a set of visually stunning icons and revamping their website to enhance the user experience. At PHd Design, we take pride in being a part of our clients' growth journeys, and we're thrilled to have contributed to Clay & Abbot's success. With a refreshed brand image and revamped website, we're confident that they'll continue to thrive and achieve their goals.

Clay & Abbot Brand Update by PHd Design
Clay & Abbot Brand Update by PHd Design
Clay & Abbot Brand Update by PHd Design
PHd Design logo
Ranked in Top 100 of all Creative Agencies in UK!
Neil Sargeant
Design Lead
Peter Howard
Managing Director