Closest to Heaven

  • Rose Woollcombe Mundy

A publication based on Tony Parker's social commentary book 'The People of Providence' which focusses on the lives of inhabitants of a London housing estate. A photocopier was used to create much of the imagery, matching the unpredictability of its outcomes with the unpredictability of life for these people.

Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
This section is inspired by a chapter titled 'Ian & Friends', and includes more text than other parts of the publication because, as children, they are open and honest about their lives on the estate. These pages feature collected images of shoes, which evoke very stronly the era of these stories.
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy
Closest to Heaven by Rose Woollcombe Mundy