‘Digging the Earth’ is an investigation into British farming traditions. Superstition played an important role in the management and protection of farms and their produce. Hag stones, a stone that has a naturally occurring hole through the middle, were said to ward off witches and other evil. It is said that only good can pass through the hole and that bad thoughts or wishes are too big to pass through the hole and so they get stuck in the middle. However, there are rules to obtaining a hag stone of your own. The stone finds you and you must not give it to someone else or take more than one. The collection features 3 rings, made to resemble hag stones. A golden inlay in the stone, that forms the shank, represents the good thoughts that are able to pass through. Each ring has a different shape hole in the middle, to obtain a ring one must try it to see if it is a perfect fit. If not, the ring has not chosen you and must be left for someone else. Photography : Mia Dawson