discrete life of infrathin. Interviews

  • patrycja wojciechowska

DLoI originated in the definition of various forms of interviews as conversational exchanges. The interview is here a performative act of collaboration, an encounter between interviewer, interviewed and readers. Each biweekly conversation is anchored in the notion of Infrathin, the undefinable separation in and of minuscule difference. A place where things, states or beings are in-between, in process of change, different and yet, not quite the same. Infrathin is a strange passage rite aimed against sharp numerical boundaries of modern science. Possible to understand only through examples, Infrathin is the in-between, the liminal and the gap impossible to grasp, the immaterial and yet not without matter, neither an action, nor a state, not exactly process and not really a temporality. Occupying this desirable and in a way, uncanny place, Infrathin feels as perfect a term to describe encounters which record is made available here. Prompted by thinking of the nature of practice itself, the curator is seeking to present the strategies of diverse initiatives, methodologies and creative practices, as well as those of thinkers and practitioners where the aim is to create an growing archive of encounters. Each interview is  restricted to 5 questions, recalling the often quoted series “Funf Fragen'' originally published in Berlin’s city guide ''Zitty”. … are founded in this very structure, but their architecture is different. Each question is merely an anchor, intended as a starting point of a thread of thought. They are not strict “Q and A”s, but more of a series of conversational exchanges, branching out and meandering, interwoven around a grid of 5 entry  points.  It follows the tradition of newspaper columns, where short forms/texts  provide reflection on frequently changing, fluid contemporaneity and position cultural and art criticism within the fabric of fragmented and immediate daily life.