Discussing Imitations of Reality Presented in Contemporary Sitcom and Comedy Verité

  • Clara Thomas
Topic for my 2018 unversity dissertation, aiming to explore the changing trend in comedy sitcom away from the traditional style, towards a form that mimics or imitates perceptions of reality. The emergence of programmes such as Master of None (2016), Fleabag (2017), and Atlanta (2016) are changing the way audiences perceive sitcom and relate to the presentation of reality in comedy.
Further examination explores the origins of comedy verité to the genre, what necessitated the emergence, and demonstrates the impact on the current sitcom genre. To achieve this, the dissertation studied a variety of comedy verité sitcom styles and attempts to emulate the presence of a closer connection to reality through a sitcom format.
Through analysing this format and attempting to recreate some of the attributes akin to comedy verité, I have been able to explore the impact on the genre and theorists who have made attempts to predict the longevity of this form. Relating the characteristics of comedy verité in the context of the comedy genre.