Dyson Air Multiplier

  • Ying Hui Doggett
University Assignment/ Competition
The brief was to redesign the brochure for the Dyson Air Multiplier. We had to come up with a concept and follow through with what content to include, taking into account our chosen target market. Split up into teams of 2-3 people, we conducted a product shoot, gathered information came up with a strategy and beginning concept for the brochure. This is the result!

Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett
Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett
Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett
Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett
Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett
Dyson Air Multiplier by Ying Hui Doggett

Ying Hui Doggett