Final Major Project

  • Amber Colao

My Final Major Project, designed and created by myself during my final year at University. This collection aimed to raise awareness of the contributions women in science made on our understanding of the natural world. 'Forget-me-not' is an eco-conscious and sophisticated collection, that makes women feel strong and beautiful. Focusing on Mary Anning (English Palaeontologist) , along with other female earth scientists. Inspired by the vegetation, landscape and fossils of Dorset. The collection aims to create garments inspired by these women, the fossils they were searching for and pieces that make the wearer feel beautiful and confident. The collection also tackles the fashion industry’s negative impacts on the environment, through more sustainable studio practice. Cutting the toiling process in half digitally, reducing waste fabric and saving resources. My FMP features a hand-drawn floral screen print design, sustainable fabrics, crochet lace trims, and a modern yet sophisticated colour palette. The collection featured in London Graduate Fashion Week 2022.