Spend your lunch break learning next Wednesday, Nov1st (12pm -1pm) about pitching to literary agents as an indie author. If you're an author currently self-publishing or with indie publishers and the long-term goal is to secure a literary agent and ultimately an author career writing myriad books for multiple traditional publishing houses, we're here to help! Free to attend: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/importance-of-building-author-brands-when-submitting-to-literary-agents-tickets-740777203557 Since 2011 we've helped hundreds of authors to achieve their long-term goals through PR, marketing & branding at Literally PR. We're a multi-prize-winning publicity and marketing agency specialising in creative, innovative and cost-effective PR and marketing solutions for authors, publishers and books. Read more: https://www.literallypr.com/