Isabella Secret Story of CSS

  • Isabella Di Fabio

Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks about CSS and Frameworks.

Isabella Secret Story - Simplify your css with preprocessors and frameworks. My personal expectation is that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will increasingly become the only build targets for better languages.

This has been going on for years with TypeScript, CoffeeScript, LESS/SASS, etc. In my current front-end job, I haven't written a single line of raw HTML, CSS, or JavaScript in a long time, because we use better technologies (like ClojureScript) that simply compile into these languages ​​that the browser can understand.
Isabella Di Fabio Because performance is so important and there are so many opportunities to leverage performance intelligently, we'll see innovation as we put codebases into production.

Tools like webpack (tree shake, code splitting) already do a lot here, but there's still plenty of room for automated tools to work their magic on how our code ends up being sent to the browser.

Isabella Secret Story 6 tricks to Optimize the first payload. Ship merchandise in order of importance. Decide what to send, where and how. Nothing is shipped unused.