"It's the Tate Modern of festivals": Tania Harrison on Latitude

  • Emma Hudson
"It's the Tate Modern of festivals": Tania Harrison on Latitude by Emma Hudson
Tania Harrison is doing a million things at once.
I’m standing in her office as she simultaneously checks her computer (“I have 3,000 unread emails,” she laughs), shows my photographer the corners in the building that get the best light, confirms her schedule with her colleagues and chats idly with me about the shows and performances she’s been to recently.
It’s hardly surprising that the woman behind Latitude is both supremely busy and f rmly handling it all.
“I feel very lucky to be doing something I love, which I know sounds fairly trite, but I do love it,” says Harrison. Photoshoot done, she’s sat in her private of ce sipping peppermint tea; around her, taking up every corner of every wall, are clippings, notes, quotes and scribbled ideas – all of which will eventually come together to form the content of Latitude’s 2016 arts theatres, stages and performance areas.
Emma Hudson
Freelance writer and journalist