
  • Sophie Good
  • Darrell Allen

Putting a truly iconic brand back on the table

In a context where healthy eating dominates government and consumer agendas, Kellogg's needed to improve the natural and health perception of Kellogg’s products and re-establish itself as a category leader. It also called for a new strategic approach to design that could help overwhelmed shoppers better navigate an increasingly cluttered category.
By amplifying the masterbrand, Kellogg's went from a manufacturer in the corner to proudly owning its iconic status. It was also important to unlock the potential of the powerbrands (Coco Pops, etc), dialling up their key assets and simplifying consumer navigation. The result was a strong system which allowed for flexibility amongst the different product pillars, and modulation to suit market conditions.
This is the first time in Kellogg's 100+ year history where the portfolio has been considered as a whole, a massive and exciting opportunity. Set for a 2019 launch, the design has been met with overwhelming enthusiasm from internal stakeholders, and surpassed expectations in consumer testing results.