LIAF Project

  • Janet Anjo

Hi Everyone, Last year i had the chance to be a part of a cool opportunity for LIAF (London International Animation Festival) which allowed me to pitch my idea and fortunately for me win the competition to be the director for a short film that would be screened. My role was Director, 3D animator, Modeller/Scultptur, editing, lighting and cinematography and narrator.

The primary aim of creating this short film was to explore the dark yet twisted way emotions control our perception and distort our view of reality. I wanted to delve into an emotion that many feel but only in secret. I had no interest in the conventional one-sided narrative ‘envy’ typically takes on, the character is no (Victim) but more of a perpetrator of her own story. We watch her drown in her misery, confusion and inability to control the pressure of her circumstances.  

In her eyes, it feels like everyone has a firm grip on their lives as they easily achieve the aimed goal the character desires but doesn’t believe she has the power to possibly achieve in time. As the film goes on we watch her thoughts take on a life of their own and make an already intense situation even more turbulent. 

The medium I chose to go with was both 3D and 2D which was very ambitious but was a great opportunity to explore an array of different techniques and styles. This gave us an opportunity to try different forms, techniques, angles, compositions and lighting to bring this film together in the most untraditional way