Material of the Year: Q&A with Charlotte Kidger

  • Frankie Moutafis
  • Jessica Berry
‘I feel the initial interest and urge to work with waste plastic is driven by the instinctive need to find alternative ways of using waste in general – answering the demands of finding new and alternative raw materials instead of harvesting what we already have at our fingertips.’
These are the words of designer Charlotte Kidger, whose debut furniture collection combines waste polyurethane foam dust from CNC milling with bright pigments and a resin to bind and make textural, colourful forms. Charlotte will be exhibiting as part of London Design Fair’s Material of the Year spotlight, which for 2018 will focus on plastic. It’s a hot topic – every year the world produces around 300 million tons of plastic, with the conversation around single-use plastics (often disposable packaging that is thrown away or recycled after one use) higher on the agenda than ever before.
Head over to Zetteler to find the full feature >>


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