Melanoma x Puma

  • Sam Jason

A research based response to the on going issue regarding melanoma on black and brown skin. Transcending language barriers through illustration, inciting behavioural change to encourage checking your moles, palms and soles when thinking about your body the most. ‍Brief: Raise awareness and drive diagnosis of skin cancer on people with black and brown skin. Insight/idea: An inclusive movement which incites behavioural change in peoples routines. ‍Solution: Focus a campaign on post-exercise and sport when people are thinking about their bodies the most. We decided to develop a brand that was focused on Omission. Black skin is being ignored in medical research so we want to raise awareness to people with black and brown skin about checking their moles, palms and soles for skin cancer. We targeted our brand towards post sport and exercise, looking to reach a global target audience by collaborating with Puma. Our focus was predominately on men, as young men have a higher death rate percentage due to not taking care of their skins as often as women.

Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Melanoma x Puma by Sam Jason
Sam Jason