More Than Meets the Eye 2020

  • Charlie Buchan

My flexible brand identity for Edinburgh Napier University's lost Degree Show 2020. More Than Meets the Eye 2020 focuses on being primarily digital, where it can be placed in and around both Edinburgh and Napier's Merchiston Campus's screens and digital posters. This concept is centered around things being more than what you might think they are on the surface, and to always consider looking deeper into the meaning of a project you might be viewing to fully appreciate what it is trying to convey to the world. I wanted this identity to equally convey all 15 courses taking part in the Degree Show. To achieve this, I designed a unique colour, symbol and poster for each course that can be easily shared and displayed online and within the many TV's and screens that can be found throughout the campus. While MTMTE 2020 was designed to be utilised in black and white, presenting a sleek and modern look for this year's Degree Show, it was then developed to work in both colour or monochrome. This produced the final product of the colour flares that are seen within the animated posters. Each has been animated so that they may play on a constant loop, further conveying the theme of the show being more than meets the eye, and to always try to find the deeper meaning of what it is that you are viewing.

Each course that would feature in the degree show would be represented by their own unique colour and icon

These symbols work in both static and digital environments, also having the options to be utilised in full colour or black & white


  • E

    Edinburgh Napier University
