Mother Duck -

  • Jordan Patel

MOTHER DUCK!! "Life’s waters can be a little choppy at times, so for the safest of passage, and the smoothest of crossing, it is best to go together. It is better still – like the delightful ducklings in Jordan Patel and George Grinling’s affectionate ecard – to go in the loving wake of the Mother Duck." Here's another animated e-card from 2050cards that I developed and produced complimented by playful music and sound effects from George Grinling. I animated this with Adobe Flash for roughs and TVPaint for clean-up and illustrated the background in Photoshop and composited it in After Effects. Happy Mothers Day!!! If you love your mum, send her this card � This is my third commission from and I am very proud of the results!!! Feeling a lot more confident as an animator. Link to the card:

Jordan Patel
2D Hand-Drawn Animator - Looking for work