Netflix Titles

  • Helen Frost

A selection of Netflix titles I created for the films '93 Days' and 'In My Country' while freelancing at WMA. These titles are featured on the Netflix homepage and are available to view on all devices. The chosen images are intended to represent key points and characters, edited in such a way that reflects the mood of the film.

Netflix Titles by Helen Frost
Netflix Titles by Helen Frost
Netflix Titles by Helen Frost
Netflix Titles by Helen Frost

Project Tags


  • Weller Media Agency logo

    Weller Media Agency

    • Music


Helen Frost
Motion Designer and Illustrator
Hannah Gower-Quiroga
Sed quis laborum sed. Aut enim temporibus id ipsam. Neque perspiciatis ex omnis ut soluta. Magni quos provident id asperiores dolores autem.