While you might have caught wind of NFT expressions sold for in a real sense a great many dollars, that isn't what we will allude to here. Since getting the large numbers dollar deal for a solitary craftsmanship resembles scoring a sweepstakes. How about we center around the genuine collectible NFT craftsmanship business all things considered.
At this point there are in a real sense many workmanship assortments measured from 3000 to 10,000 craftsmanship pieces which have totally sold out. It is normal for purchasers to take part in alleged ethereum gas wars, where purchasers contend and raise the gas tips to the excavators, so they mint the fair delivered NFTs before different purchasers can.
That yearn for purchasing NFTs before they are sold out reached the place that for some, assortment delivers the purchasers were paying for gas multiple times more than they paid for the stamped NFT itself. Gas battles between purchasers can get genuine insane on occasion.
We should check this NFT Collection Maker V2 Review To Discover how you can get in on that pattern while it is really hot!
NFT collection maker 2.0 Review – Overview
Product name: NFT collection maker 2.0
Vendor: Andrew Darius et al
Release Date: 2022-Apr-20
Skill levels needed: No need any skills
Support: Effective Response
Refund: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
NFT collection maker 2.0 Review – What is it?
NFT collection maker 2.0 is an optimized platform for creating, hosting, and trading money-pulling digital art collections to put thousands of dollars in your pockets.
NFT Collection Maker 2.0 is not only creates NFT images but includes built-in customizable NFT blockchain contracts which people can deploy to Ethereum and other blockchains with a click.
NFT is the first blockchain technology which is being widely adopted, so do not stay behind and learn how you can become a part of that fast growing crypto economy. The time to jump on the NFT bandwagon is now, but how can you even do it? As wild as it may sound, the main problem with having an NFT collection for sale is not creating the base art itself. The main problem people have is the technology required for generating a collection of 100% unique pieces, and having their own NFT Ethereum contract created. Ask yourself, could you make thousands of art for sale manually? Very unlikely.
Even if you could and decide to spend months on manually creating it, how would you ensure that all of the art pieces are 100% unique, and none of them is the same as the other. It is practically impossible to do manually. Agencies Are Charging an Arm and a Leg. This is why agencies creating those collections charge an arm and a leg for their service. Recently they have contacted one of those agencies, and asked how much it would cost to create a collection consisting of thousands of works with an Ethereum contract for it.
What Are the Features of NFT collection maker 2.0?
Let’s find out more about NFT collection maker 2.0:
TC AI Technology Does All The Heavy Lifting
NFT collection maker 2.0 uses advanced TTC AI technology to not only create but also programmatically-verify artwork uniqueness which is a must for NFT art collection.
And because TTC AI technology does all the heavy lifting, it is mathematically almost impossible for you to not get any collector worthy results, even if you have not made any art in your entire life.
PLUS – You will get all the info you need on how to sell as many pieces of art as humanly possible as well.
And don’t worry, generating massive crypto art collections with their NFT collection maker 2.0 software is as easy as it gets.
Because of their proprietary TTC AI technology, anyone can make a NFT ready crypto art collection without any prior art or tech experience.
Host The Entire Collection Of thousands of art images for your NFTs completely for free.
After your collection is generated you need to host those images somewhere, and here again we have the great news for you.
They will show you exactly how and where you can host the entire collection of thousands of art images for your NFTs completely for free. Yes, you heard it right. You will pay nothing at all to host those images.
Own Ethereum NFT Token Contract
Plus together with access to the NFT collection maker 2.0 app, you will also get an Ethereum NFT token contract template.
The so-called Ethereum NFT token contract is what allows you to turn art images into the NFTs on the blockchain.
The only things you would need to edit in the template are the names, the description text, and the price.
They will give you the detailed instructions on where to edit them, so your custom contract will be ready to use in a few minutes.
Detailed Step-By-Step Tutorial Videos
After your names, description, and price are in, all that is left for you to do is to put your contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
To do that you will simply copy/paste your edited contract text into an easy-to-use free web app, set a few settings, click a few buttons, and be officially an NFT art collection owner.
They will provide a detailed step-by-step video showing all the steps from copy/paste to clicking the final deploy button.
Just Copy/Paste Buy Button
After your NFT art collection is generated and your NFT contract is put on the Ethereum blockchain, your collection is all prepared to be sold but you still need the ability to actually sell it from your web page.
You need to have a web code, which allows people not only to buy your art from your webpage but also instantly mint the art they purchased to the blockchain right after they paid.
While normally creating such a code is a complicated step, the NFT collection maker 2.0 makes it as easy as it gets.
Access Pass To The Secret ”Alpha” Group
As an NFT collection maker user, all you would need to do is to copy/paste the ready-made code from your account into your web page, and you are done.
Last but not least, your membership is also an access pass to the secret ”Alpha” group where you can not only share your collection, but also discuss with others everything related to NFTs, including hot new trends to jump on, and under the radar top NFT drops.
NFT collection maker 2.0 has 1 Front-end & 7 OTOs:
Option 1: Maker 1 ($37)
Option 2: Maker 2 ($47)
Create One/Five NFT Art Collection
Up To 7,000 Art Pieces
Customize & Deploy Ethereum contract
60% lower gas minting fees
Full One Year Access
Step-By-Step Training
Fast & Friendly Support
Sell Generate Art As NFTs
Bonus: Access Pass To The Secret ”Alpha” Group
– OTO1: NFT collection maker 2.0 PRO ($97)
For those who want to achieve even more outstanding results, they have an extraordinary PRO upgrade.
I am talking about the ability to automatically insert your images’ links into metadata, automatically upload both images and metadata to free file hosting, upgrade the maximum number of art pieces in the collection from 7,000 to 10,000, create 30 more collections, deploy your NFTs on Polygon and Binance Smart Chain, and an amazing PRO mint contract upgrade, which allows removing unsold NFTs from mint (“burning”).
Automate Images Upload To Free File Hosting
Automate Inserting Links To NFT Metadata
10,000 Images Max Collection Size
Polygon blockchain NFTs
Binance Smart Chain NFTs
Upgraded NFT Contract With Burn Feature
30 More Collections
Full One Year Access
Polygon & Binace Smart Chain Blockchains = More Opportunities To Sell
When you upgrade to PRO you will also gain the ability to deploy NFT minting contracts on Polygon and Binace Smart Chain blockchains.
Polygon blockchain fees are negligible compared to Ethereum, plus NFTs minted on Polygon blockchain can also be traded on OpenSea just like the Ethereum NFT
Minting NFTs on Binace Smart Chain is also cheaper than on Ethereum, but most importantly it gives you access to Binance NFT marketplace.
All that means more opportunities to sell more and reach a wider audience.
Unlock Additional 30 Collections That You Can Create
If you are around NFT art for some time, you already know that many artists are creating collections of various sizes and price them differently.
The smaller the collection., usually the higher the price per item. Of course, the cost to make a smaller collection is also way smaller than a bigger collection because you need much fewer art parts created.
It is relatively inexpensive to have enough base art for 500 collections. If you are just starting out, creating a number of small collections first before you go bigger makes sense.
Allow Work On Multiple Collections At The Same Time
If you have enough to invest in a freelancer team to work on multiple collections at the same time, you may want to make several 500 and 1,000 collections fast, while the work is going on the art for that big 10,000 collections.
The important point here is that possibly you will need the ability to create more collections than you can with the standard version.
The bottom line is that NFT collection maker 2.0 PRO might bring you more sales than the standard version simply because you can make bigger collections with virtually the same cost, and make more collections in various sizes.
Instant Massive Saving, A Grandfathered Discount
Because NFT Collection Maker PRO includes continuous access to all processing-intensive, server taxing PRO features, the official planned price for NFT collection maker 2.0 PRO is $997 signing fee, and then $497 per month.
But because you are an early adopter, they are going to offer you this special chance to get it without a monthly subscription. In addition, they will also drop the signup fee completely.
So right now you can join for not even $997, plus $497 a month. First, they will totally waive the joining fee, and then we will remove the monthly subscription.
That means that you are getting an instant massive saving, and a grandfathered PRO access. So for a comparatively small investment today, you can now UPGRADE your NFT collection maker 2.0 to the PRO level.
Burn Unsold NFTs To Start Collecting Royalties From Secondary Sales
This is why so many unsold collections burn the remaining NFTs supply to keep the excitement up and start collecting royalties from secondary sales.
Burning the remaining collection supply can be done in many ways.
Some of them include minting the reminder of NFTs and sending them to a burn address, which is very costly given Ethereum gas fees.
NFT Collection PRO contract allows you to remove unsold supply in the most cost-effective way.
Option To Host Images & Metadata On Your Own Server
After that process is done, all your collection arts will not only be uploaded to IPFS through Pinata, but also all the metadata will contain links to art images.
In short, your NFTs would be completely ready for sale on both websites and on NFT marketplaces.
PRO upgrade gives you also the option to use your own hosting by just adding the link to the folder containing both images and metadata files.
Upgrade Max Collection Size To 10,000 Images
While that NFT Collection Maker PRO automation itself is beyond awesome, the PRO version also allows you to boost collection size and number of art in the collection.
In almost every case if you have enough traits for a very diverse collection of 7,000 art pieces, you do not need to make any additional art at all to increase a unique collection’s size to 10,000 without sacrificing uniqueness.
It means that from the same amount of money you would already invest in the art parts you can generate 30% more sales.
Automatic Images Upload To Free File Hosting
It is a peer-to-peer decentralized hypermedia protocol designed to preserve whatever file you upload to it.
Normally IPFS is technically complicated, but there is a service called Pinata which makes uploading files as easy to use as Dropbox.
They have a free plan which gives you 1 GB of storage for your files.
Compatibility With OpenSea Metadata
So, as you see, there is a place where you can upload your files, but having images uploaded is not enough to have them displayed as your NFTs.
Marketplaces like OpenSea also need access to NFT art metadata in order to display both art and the art properties for the rarity.
You will be very glad to know that the NFT collection maker 2.0 standard not only exports images for your collection but it also exports a metadata file for each image with the trait information also included.
Automated Inserting Links To NFT Metadata
Because the NFT collection maker 2.0 standard does not know the location where you will be hosting images it of course cannot add images links to metadata.
It means that with the standard version, after uploading all the images, you would need to copy/paste each image link into a metadata file for that image.
While certainly, it is possible to manually edit links for 10,000 metadata files there is a better way.
Full Integration With Pinata API
NFT collection maker 2.0 PRO upgrade adds the direct integration with Pinata API.
It allows you to connect your Pinata account to your NFT Collection Maker account.
After your PRO account is connected to Pinata, the app automates the entire process of uploading images and generating metadata with your image link already included, and then uploads all those metadata files also using your Pinata account.
– OTO2: NFT collection maker 2.0 Agency ($197)
Either wait for all the NFTs in the collection to sell out, or remove the remaining supply, which is called burning, so the collection will become sold out.
If your plan is to invest in marketing to help you sell the remaining NFTs, keeping sales open could be the right choice.
On the other hand, if you think that you are more interested in secondary sales, or there is a strong community push you agree with, you may want to burn the remaining supply of an NFT collection.
You see, usually, until the collection is sold out completely, secondary sales are either nonexistent or very limited, plus excitement about unsold collections could drop entirely, which could kill secondary sales forever.
This is why so many unsold collections burn the remaining NFTs supply to keep the excitement up and start collecting royalties from secondary sales.
“Burning” Unsold Part Of NFTs Starts Secondary Sales
Burning the remaining collection supply can be done in many ways. Some of them include minting the reminder of NFTs and sending them to a burn address, which is very costly given Ethereum gas fees.
NFTizer Flex contract allows you to remove unsold supply in the most cost effective way.
The Most Cost Effective NFT Collection Supply “Burn” Method Possible.
All you need to do to “burn” the remaining supply with a NFTizer Flex contract is to lower the maximum mint number to the number of the NFTs you already sold, and you are done.
It is both super simple and the least expensive NFT collection supply burn method possible.
It even allows you to change the maximum collection mint number before you even start NFT sales according to your community feedback.
Increase Collection Size Before Mint
So if you have already deployed the NFT contract, and later you see that there is big interest from your community, you may decide to offer a larger collection than you have originally planned.
In such a case, without the NFTizer Flex contract, you would need to re-deploy the contract with the increased mint number.
Re-deploying Ethereum contracts could cost you a lot for each deployment.
It could cost you anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars to deploy a contract depending mostly on Ethereum gas fees and ETH token price.
Avoid All The Costs Of Ethereum Contract Re-deployment.
They have literally seen the very same contract deployment cost ranging from about $400 on a very slow Ethereum day, through $1,200 when there was more activity, to over $4,000 on the busy day.
They thought there had to be a better way, and the idea of NFTizer Flex minting contract was born.
With NFTizer Flex contract you are able to both lower and increase the max mint number for already deployed Ethereum contracts with just a small nominal contract interaction gas fee.
Unlimited Contract Deployments & Unlimited Max Mint Number
On top of that you get both unlimited contract deployment to blockchain and unlimited max mint number so the sky’s the limit on what you can do with it.
Also because you’re a founding member, you deserve a deal for being one of the first.
Now, with the standard version, they have already gave you an incredible discount. So they are going to do the same with the NFTizer Flex upgrade.
Tremendous Founding Member Discount
NFTizer Flex is planned to be a part of a very high-priced package sold on webinars.
But as a NEW and FOUNDING member, I’m going to upgrade your account to NFTizer Flex for a small one-time investment.
Hosting the app infrastructure, especially for unlimited contract deployments, does require computing power and bandwidth, and this is why we need to raise the NFTizer Flex price significantly after the early adopters’ special ends.
In fact, I would not be surprised if the price doubles when you see this page again later.
– OTO3: NFT collection maker 2.0 NFT Whitelister ($47)
Developed After Receiving Tons Of Requests For It.
The NFT whitelister app was developed after receiving tons of requests for it.
It is a breakthrough in NFT collections marketing and community building.
There are three main parts of the NFT collection selling business that must work together for NFTs from your collection to sell.
Must Haves For The NFT Collection
First, you need to have images for the NFT collection done.
After you have the images created you must deploy your collection NFT contract to blockchain so people can start buying your NFTs.
NFT collection maker 2.0 takes care of generating the images, deploying your NFT to blockchain, and even gives you javascript code to paste to your website so you can start sales.
Get People Excited About Your Collection & Build A Community Before You Launch NFT Sale
After those steps are done you are ready for sales, but there’s still something missing, and it is prospects interested to buy your NFTs.
How are you going to get people excited about your collection and build a community before you launch your NFT sale?
Unless you are already an influencer with signification following on twitter or other social media, or already built a strong Discord community, you have work to do.
Build A Strong Twitter Following & A Good Sized Discord Community
You really want to have both a strong Twitter following and a good-sized Discord community of engaged audience before you even start sales.
The best way to build a community is to use any existing great viral competition apps, there are plenty of them.
Any of those apps allow you to run contests for people to incentivize them to follow your social accounts, like, share, and retweet your content posts.
NFT Whitelster Gives You The Best Price To Both Incentive People To Promote & Help You Sell To The Same People
Creating a contest with any of the good contest apps is very easy but you need to offer prizes or nobody will participate.
The best prize is both incentivizing people to virally promote content about your NFT collection, and itself constitutes a part of the sale process.
Whitelisting Is The Most Popular & Powerful Way To Build Pre-launch NTF Communities.
To that end there is no better prize than awarding whitelist spots to people to be able to mint the collection before public mint and at a lower price.
The whitelist is called in short WL on crypto Twitter and you can see posts about WLs all over there.
It is the most popular and powerful way to build pre-launch NTF communities.
Exploit Synergy For Your Benefit
WLs are used for giveaways by influencers who love to give their audience insider, skip the line, and WLs which allow them to not only mint sooner but also cheaper than public mint.
There is a large number of smaller and mid size influencers on NFT twitter for which the WLs giveaways are one of the main engagement drivers for their own accounts.
It means that there is deep synergy between NFT collection creators and those NFT influencers. That synergy is making a powerful marketing combination you can exploit to your benefit.
Whitelist Spots Can Send Massive Viral Traffic To Your NFT Community & Social Accounts
Ability to mint earlier and cheaper is a great motivation booster for those who plan to flip their NFTs, so they work hard to virally promote your NFT collection.
Sometimes there is so much interest in whitelists that the entire collection sells out entirely during whitelist, making public mint unnecessary.
The bottom line is that contests with whitelist spots can send massive viral traffic your way, and together with WLs giveaways run by influencers, it helps you build your community fast and keep them red hot until your NFT collection launches.
Old Whitelisting Method Is Totally Prohibited By The Enormous Gas Fees
Now while whitelisting is the number one NFT collection marketing tool hands down, it is also very complicated technically to do it in a cost-effective way
You see, before the Ethereum gas fees became so high, whitelisting could be done by simply submitting every whitelisted wallet address to the contract.
This method today is totally prohibited by the enormous gas fees you would have to endure. Using the old method could easily cost you more than $50,000 to whitelist just 2,000 addresses.
NFT Whitelister Solves The High Fees Problem
NFT whitelister solves the high fees problem with the combination of a special Ethereum contract upgrade and a web app.
With the NFT whitelister all that is needed to connect your entire whitelist of virtually unlimited wallets to Ethereum contracts is a single regular contract interaction pushing just one piece of data which is a root hash of a so-called “merkle tree”.
You don’t need to know anything more about “merkle tree” root hash other than it is what is linking your Ethereum contract to a web app that supplies a whitelist for the minting.
– OTO4: Flex Contract ($47)
– OTO5: MotionNFTmaker – motioney ($37)
Turn Static Images Like Regular Photos Or Any Static Graphics, Into NFT Ready Moving Crypto Art
What MotionNFTmaker Motioney does in a nutshell is turn static images like regular photos or any static graphics, into NFT ready moving crypto art.
It seems that the more weird and strange the motion is, the more buyer’s attention it can command, but the opposite is also true.
It all depends on the taste of buyers, this is why it is so important to have the ability to make a wide range of crypto art styles.
Make Your Crypto Art As Weird Or As Artistly As You Like
MotionNFTmaker Motioney can make your static photo or images as weird or strange as you want, but it can also make it as smooth and as artistly as you like.
It means that it can cover the widest range of potential buyers’ tastes.
Proprietary CRA AI Tech To Make It Easy
It is all possible with the first to market revolutionary proprietary CRA AI technology, which allows you to make motion crypto art NFTs by simply clicking your mouse.
Because MotionNFTmaker Motioney uses proprietary CRA AI tech, making those living and moving photos and images is as easy as it gets.
Plus it allows for each and every part to be unique which brings attractiveness to your NFT.
Start Producing NFT Ready Moving Crypto Art In 3 Simple Steps
As you can see, MotionNFTmaker Motioney is an easy to use, yet powerful desktop app for anyone.
Today, he’s excited to be releasing MotionNFTmaker Motioney to the world. You can start producing NFT ready moving crypto art in 3 simple steps.
With no restrictions on the number of arts that you can make and sell. No experience necessary.
The Method How To Drive Traffic To Crypto Art Listing Exposed
They will also give you access to the method which shows you exactly how to drive traffic to your crypto art listing from social media to boost your results.
The Crypto art market is projected to keep growing, and when it takes off as the main way of selling art, you could be well-positioned to automatically collect perpetual passive royalties from the secondary market sales of your crypto art NFTs.
It is clear that the sooner you join the NFT market the sooner good things can happen for you.
Instant Massive Savings & Grandfathered Access
Now, the only question you may have left is ‘how much is this all going to cost me?’
Because they believe in rewarding early adopters, they’ll keep it super simple and easy.
They’re going to give you instant access to MotionNFTmaker Motioney for a special time-limited early adopter’s price.
That means that if you get access today, you are getting both instant massive savings and grandfathered access.
Commercial License Included
All you need to do to become a MotionNFTmaker Motioney founding member is to click the button below. Your access will be created immediately and you will find everything waiting for you inside.
Also if you purchase today, it will include a commercial license upgrade with no additional cost.
A free commercial upgrade is available for a limited time only and may be removed at any time without notice.
– OTO6: MotionNFTmaker – Motioney Pro ($57)
Unlimited animations & length of the video.
– OTO7: MotionNFTmaker – Motioney Enterprise ($67)
5-sub users and Unlocks 1080p and 4k rendering.