Not Another

  • sara sturges
We are used to seeing trends change in fashion. Style and trends come and go, it is what stimulates the economy. Yet style, and trends not only influence what we wear, but also the material culture of our lives.
But since the introduction of the internet and visual collection sites, there has been a noticeable increase in a creative hive mind mentality who all utilise these stylistic tools.

When looking for inspiration elsewhere, it can become easy to reach for replication instead of innovation. In consequence of this, trends are being replicated and re-imagined at an alarming rate, therefore blurring the understanding of influence, inspiration and imitation as well as leaving a major impact on various routines and innovation within creative fields.
Not Another, is a monthly publication designed to shine a spotlight and raise awareness to these trends. The top circulating trends of the moment are nominated by internet users with hashtags on various social media sites. With the trend receiving the most votes becoming the winner and the main feature in the monthly edition, Not Another aims to become a reference and archive for documentation of the fluctuation of stylistic trends.