
  • Robert Galt
I was asked to create a book about a film. The film I choose was ‘Old Boy’ a popular Korean film, with a bit of a cult following. The content of the book developed from information on just the film to information on Korea’s history and the modern global world we live in. Old Boy engages the viewer through its conspiracy narrative. Viewers are engaged because of the everyday experience of unimaginable social forces that constrain our reality. It confronts social taboos and asks if we are experiencing life as a mere spectacle and if we are strangers in our own world. Do we simply sit as a passive mass consuming what is fed to us through our television? Have we become an antomised population controlled by our citizenship and which ever multi-national our faith belongs to? It’s time to stop being an interchangeable consumer, controlled by the multi-national co-operations, world leaders and puppeteering forces, which tell us what to buy, what to like and what to think. It’s time to think for yourself, consider what is behind the news bulletins, what is happening around the world and what is happening to you right now. There are many layers to the world, layers we don’t see, and layers we will never see, but it’s time to look.
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
OldBoy by Robert Galt
Robert Galt
Junior Designer