Open to submissions: The Bath Open Art Prize, deadline 16th Sept 2022.

  • Scarlett Mosnier
  • Arran Hodgson

Now in its 10th year, The Bath Open Art Prize 2022 is open to submissions from anywhere in the world. All are welcome to enter artworks in any medium including; projection, print, photography, 3D, sound and video; small site-specific installations can also be considered. The prize acts in part as a fundraiser for Fringe Arts Bath Festival, an annual platform for Visual Artists tending to operate outside the more conventional gallery-based arts scene. Reflecting Fringe Arts Bath's inclusive ethos, all genres are welcome, including more idiosyncratic or whimsical works. Submission is £20 / £30. An exhibition of works selected by this year's guest judges, Gracie Divall and Roger Clarke, will be open 19th to 30th October 2022 at 44AD artspace in Bath, UK. Prizes include £500, £250, a solo exhibition, and £50 art vouchers for the winner of the People's Choice Award. Visit -------------- Credit for images, a selection from the 2021 Bath Open Art Prize exhibition. Column 1: BOAP logo, Natalie Bedford, Ingrid Johannesson, Rosie Burns. Column 2: Glyn West, William Rounce, Alexis Chabala. Column 3: Francesco Berlingerio, Laura Greenway, Alexandra Compton & Samuel Lindup, Carol Delaney. Column 4: Asia Bakalarska, Agata Nowak, Kate Ellis. Column 5: James Hallinan, Joanne Spencer, Hala Alaouié.