
  • Rachel Beckles Willson

Oudmigrations is a research project dedicated to the journeys of ouds (oriental lutes), their histories, and the stories attached to their makers, players, and owners. The first Oudmigrations concert series took place in Rome, thanks to the generous support of ISMEO (Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente) and hosting by the Biblioteca Vallicelliana. They explored styles of oud playing including Iraqi, Tunisian and Turkish, along with the interconnected worlds of oud and the European lute, and specific repertoires such as the Egyptian Wasla. All the programmes are archived here. I presented the final concert, which exposed the diversity of traditions associated with the Ottoman era, ranging from popular song and dance to pesrevs and semais. I played two antique instruments, one by Leon Istanbuli (date unknown), and one by Ali Galip (1920). I was joined by Chrysanthi Gkika (kemençe) and Fabio Tricomi (tabla and daf).

Project Tags


  • I

    ISMEO, Italy

    • O

